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New titles 2014

Martin Peikert, Die Plakate / Les affiches
by Jean-Charles Giroud, published by and available from Patrick Cramer Editeur, Geneva (CH) (2014); 208 pages, 32 x 23 cm, about 300 color reproductions ; hardcover; available in a german and a french edition; CHF 60 (about US$ 63)

Swiss graphic designer Martin Peikert (1901-1975) is famous for his many very popular tourism posters, although he was also active as painter, illustrator and logo designer. The author of the book, Jean-Charles Giroud, is the well known former director of the poster collection at the Geneva Public Library, and the book is also the catalogue of a major exhibition of Martin Peikerts posters.

Comment, tu ne connais pas Grapus? / What, you don't know Grapus?
by Leo Favier, published by and available from Spector Books, Leipzig (DE) (2014); 256 pages, 13 x 18 cm, numerous black&white and coloured illustrations ; softcover; available in an english and a french edition, ISBN (EN) 9-783944-669496, ISBN (FR) 9-783944-669489; EUR 19.00 (about US$ 24)

Grapus was a french graphic design collective active between 1970 and 1991, pioneering both in graphic style, content and philosophy. As it is now fading into history, as the title implies, the book attempts to capture the spirit and the ideas by interviewing its former members, and experts interested in the group.

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