WEB POSTER EXHIBITION - Festival d'Affiches de Chaumont 2000


Here are some of the people I met in Chaumont. If you want to find out who they are and what they do, please look them up on the search page.

Jean-Paul Bachollet

Claude Baillargeon

Claude Baillargeon

Pierre Bernard

Michel Bouvet

Ronald Curchod

Patrick Giraudo

Alex Jordan

Nous travaillons ensemble

Sandy K.

Cedomir Kostovic

Philippe Leduc

Philippe Leduc

T.A. Lewandowski

Martine Loyau

Vincent Perrottet

Vincent Perrottet

Gunter Rambow

Gunter Rambow

Florence Robert

U.G. Sato

Guy Schockaert

David Tartakover

Gianfranco Torri

Alain Weill

Intro Winners Exhibitions Lukova Street Pub Festival Pub People Typography

home   page last revised on September 11, 2000 / this section is part of Rene Wanner's Poster Page /