WEB POSTER EXHIBITION - Jean-Benoit Levy, Basel

Same school
When I saw Levy's watchmaker poster, I remembered the posters of Armin Hofmann, his teacher at the Schule fuer Gestaltung in Basel, and thought it might be interesting to put two of them side by side. Although the contrast could not be bigger at first sight, and Levy has obviously abandonned some of the rigid rules he was taught, there are also similarities, like the playful but highly disciplined use of typography, or the well balanced composition:

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Armin Hofmann, teacher
10 kb
Jean-Benoit Levy, student

However, Levy did not like that particular comparison and suggested others that where more appropriate and direct, like the two dance posters, or the two theater posters below:

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Armin Hofmann, teacher
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Jean-Benoit Levy, student

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Armin Hofmann, teacher
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Jean-Benoit Levy, student

Same subject
Another comparison struck me - the visual interpretation of Michel de Ghelderode's play La balade du grand macabre, about death visiting a city - by Levy and by the polish artist Franciszek Starowieyski:

6 kb
Franciszek Starowieyski
Poland, 1965
15 kb
Jean-Benoit Levy
Switzerland, 1993

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page last revised on May 17, 1999 /