Rene Wanner's Poster Page

Winners of the 3. Krakowski Festiwal Plakatu 2001

The Poster Festival in Cracow, Poland, is an annual gathering and poster competition initiated by Krzysztof Dydo, well known for his poster gallery, his collection, and his many publications and exhibitions on polish posters. It was held this year from March 5 - March 20, 2001, all over this ancient, royal, and beautiful city located about 200 km south of Warsaw. See the calendar for all the accompanying events.

While the established old masters of the polish poster school, like Starowieyski, Swierzy, Stasys, Drewinski, Gorowski, Kalarus, Lenica, Marszalek, Nowinski, Olbinski, Piechura, Pluta, Rosocha, Szaybo, Walkuski have all submitted their work, this competition is a unique opportunity for the younger designers to come out and measure up, and gives us a preview of the future of polish posters.

Like in the international competition for Toyama, there are two categories - A printed and published posters, and B unpublished posters in self promotion - and I think this is a fair solution to the endless discussions on what constitutes a "real" poster. The catalogue shows 175 poster from 72 designers in category A, and 115 posters from 63 designers in category B, selcted from about 250 printed posters and 300 unpublished designs.

In March 2001, the jury ( Lech Majewski, Jacek Cwikla, Krzysztof Dydo, Michal Klis, Leszek Zebrowski ) awarded the following prizes:

A, printed and published posters

  • 1. Prize Roman Kalarus, for "Romeo in Julia"
  • 2. Prize Miroslaw Adamczyk, for "2. Przeglad plakatu miejskiego"
  • 3. Prize Ryszard Kajzer, for "Festiwal Filmow Latynoamerykanskich"
  • Honorary mention Wojciech Korkuc, for "Korek Studio"
  • Honorary mention Sebastian Kubica, for "Stary niedzwiedz"

B, unpublished posters in self promotion

  • 1. Prize Dagmar Matuszak, for "Macbeth"
  • 2. Prize Szymon Salinski, for "Mysle, wiec jestem"
  • 3. Prize Patryk B. Grygierczyk, for "35 lat malych form"

Here are the winning posters:

Roman Kalarus

Miroslaw Adamczyk

Ryszard Kajzer

Wojciech Korkuc

Sebastian Kubica

Dagmar Matuszak

Szymon Salinski

Patryk B. Grygierczyk

A special delight are the posters in the jury exhibition, in particular those from Lech Majewski, internationally known not only as graphic designer but also as one of the organizers of the Warsaw Poster Biennale:

The Glass Menagerie,
Tenessee Williams

The ball at the opera
Julian Tuwin
(see also Foundations of typography)

Jerzy Niemczuk

International Biennale of theater
posters, Rzeszow

Masks in polish posters
poster exhibition


home   winners   page last revised on June 30, 2001 / this section is part of Rene Wanner's Poster Page /