Rene Wanner's Poster Page


front cover 40 plakater - Gitte Kath
1. edition, 2000; available from Gitte Kath; 80 pages, about 80 color and b/w illustrations, 23 x 28 cm; hardcover; ISBN 83-906800-9-2; in danish and english
Gitte Kath in Mexico, 2000

When I first met Gitte Kath, the danish designer, in a taxi in Mexico City, she was squezed between Niklaus Troxler and Mieczyslaw Wasilewski, and tried to explain to them that her posters were ment to be interpreted by the viewer rather than to force an idea on them, ".. like in a good play where the real story is happening inside you, rather than on the stage" she said.

I am not sure if she succeeded to change the course, or style, of the two steam locomotives at her side, but a lot of people seem to like her approach, and enjoy dreaming about the mysterious objects she puts together. She had just come from Sidney where her poster for the olympic games for handicapped people was a big hit, and the winged gloves and shoes had to be reprinted several times to satisfy the demand.

1997, for a poster exhibition at the Dansk Plakatmuseum in Arhus

1999, for the play Vanens magt by Thomas Bernhard

2000, for Paralympics, the olympic games for the handicapped, in Sidney

A previous book on Gitte Kath also had to be reprinted, and has just come out in a second edition:

front cover 30 plakater - Gitte Kath
1. edition 1995, 2. edition, 2000; available from Gitte Kath; 68 pages, about 60 color and b/w illustrations, 23 x 28 cm; hardcover; in danish

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