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New titles 2016

Uwe Loesch - Laureate of the Lenica Award - Posters
Edited by Irena Przymus, published by the Muzeum Narodowe w Poznaniu, Poznan (PL) (2016); 104 pages, 24 x 32 cm, 78 color illustrations; softcover; in english and polish ; ISBN 978-83-64080-29-6
Catalogue of the current laureate exhibition for world famous german graphic designer Uwe Loesch, curated by Irena Przymus. The catalogue has a thorough introduction, biography, list of awards, bibliography and describes in stunning detail the context and publication history of each of the exhibited posters.
20th Anniversary of Ogaki Poster Museum
Poster Art at a Crossroads, Re-evaluation of its Role in the 21st Century

Edited by Noboru Matsuura, published by the Ogaki Poster Museum, Ogaki City (JP) (2016); 26 pages, 21 x 22 cm, 6 black&white illustrations; in english and japanese; softcover
An interview with Kazumasa Nagai by Noboru Matsuura, and with 14 well known international poster designers answering the question "What is a poster in the 21st centuy?"
10th Ogaki International Invitational Poster Exhibition 2016
Edited by Noboru Matsuura, published by the Ogaki Poster Museum, Ogaki City (JP) (2016); 80 pages, 22 x 24 cm, about 150 color illustrations; in english and japanese; softcover
Catalogue of the current exhibition, showing two works each of about 70 top class international poster designers, with short texts by Takashi Tsuchiya, Terumichi Osako and Noboru Matsuura
Fritz Buehler
Text by Christian Jaquet, published by Chamaeleon Verlag Armin Vogt, Basel (CH) (2016); 80 pages, 17 x 24 cm; softcover; in german; ISBN 978-3-033-05675-8; EUR 25 (about 28 US$)
Monography of well known swiss poster designer Fritz Buehler (1909 - 1963), designer of the famous poster for a coal briquette made by the Union company.
Best German Posters A history of German Poster Competitions
edited by Jens Mueller, published by Optik Books, Duesseldorf (DE) (June 2016), as number 8 in the series A5; 128 pages, 15 x 21 cm, about 300 color illustrations, about 25 full page; softcover, the book cover is a folded poster with another 30 poster illustrations; in german and english; ISBN 978-3-00053060-9; EUR 28 (about 32 US$)
A survey of the 7 poster competitions in East and West Germany between 1949 and and 2000, with a 7 page introduction, interviews with 3 designers, a complete list of all winners, and poster illustrations with detailed descriptions. This excellent publication is not only a short history of post-war poster design in Germany, but also puts the competions in a contex, and analyzes weakness and strength of each of them. Read more.
post no bills Das Medium Plakat zwischen Kunst und Kommerz
edited by Sergius Kodera & Georg Lebzelter, published by Steidl, Goettingen (DE) (2016); 136 pages, 19 x 22 cm, about 50 full page color illustrations; softcover; in german; ISBN 978-3-95829-146-1; EUR 10 (about 11 US$)
A series of 9 essays on the topic of posters and art, design, commerce, politics, history .. by curators of poster collections, designers, poster specialists (Sergius Kodera, Georg Lebzelter, Bernhard Denscher, Rene Grohnert, Marek Freudenreich, Paul Coldwell, Stephan Bundi, Joseph Danner, Marta Sylvestrova and Peter Stasny). A useful, clearly written, thorough, diverse survey of the current state posters which gets more and more fragmented and whose purpose is now often questioned.
50/50/50 50 posters of 50 graphic designers for the 50th anniversary of the International Poster Biennale in Warsaw
published by Stowarzyszenie Tworcow Grafiki Uzytkowej (STGU) and Akademia Sztuk Pieknych w Warszawie (ASP), Warsaw (PL) (2016); 64 pages, 15 x 23 cm, 61 full page color illustrations; softcover; in polish and english;
Catalogue of a poster exhibition in Warsaw in 2016, curated by Lech Majewski and Dawid Korzekwa. From the introduction by Lech Majewski ... "Bearing in mind the message of Jozef Mroszczak (the Biennale's founder) that biennals are posters and their authors in the first place, we decided not to engage the stressed out curators. We asked fifty eminent artists to send us one work of their choice, regardless of when it has been created." ...
Fristaden. Christianias plakater i 45 ar
published by Dansk Plakatmuseum i Den Gamle By, Aarhus (DK) (2016), edited by Elsebeth Aasted Schanz; 48 pages, 12 x 17 cm, about 40 color illustrations; softcover; in danish and english; ISBN 978-87-89328-83-6; 20 DKK (about 3 US$)
Catalogue of an exhibition of posters made in and for Freetown Christiania, an autonomous neighbourhood of Copenhagen with a few hundred inhabitants, founded in 1971, notorious for its tolerated drug trade and police absence.
WAW Poster Exhibition El Fantasma de Heredia
published by Edilab Editors, Buenos Aires (AR) (2015); 64 pages, 16 x 21 cm, about 60 color illustrations; hardcover; in english, polish and spanish; ISBN 978-950-9487-26-0
Catalogue of an exhibition of posters of Studio El Fantasma de Heredia (Anabella Salem & Gabriel Mateu) at the Gallery Salon Akademii in Warsaw in 2015, hosted by the 12th Warsawa Singera Festival, organized in cooperation with the Akademy of Fine Artsin Warsaw, curated by Lech Majewski. It includes posters of gender, human rights, racism, ecology and other social issues. Also theater, books, ballet and other cultural issues.
Schriftbilder - Bilderschrift Chinesisches Plakat- und Buchdesign heute
published by Jumping He / hesign international, Berlin (DE) (June 2016); 404 pages, 20 x 27 cm, about 600 color illustrations, many full page; softcover; in german and chinese; ISBN 978-3-9814557-8-6; EUR 69 (about 76 US$), including hard book case
Catalogue of an exhibition at the Deutsches Plakatmuseum / Museum Folkwang, Essen (DE), with introductory texts by Mingde Shi, Tobia Bezzola, Rene Grohnert, Jianping He und Jingren Lu, and a short history of graphic design in China by Jianping He. A rare and rich and competent source of information about contemporary poster and book design in China, and an example of modern chinese book design in itself.
Gitte Kath poster exhibition Denmark to New York - New York to Denmark
by Gitte Kath, published by St. Johns University, New York NY (US) and Dansk Plakatmuseum, Aarhus (DK) from where it is available, (2016); 72 pages, 21 x 25 cm, about 100 color illustrations; softcover; in english and danish; EUR 20
Catalogue of a poster exhibition at St. John's University in New York, with introductory texts by Elsebeth Aasted Schanz, Lars Dybdahl and Aris Sherin. Gitte Kath's poetic, rich and unique body of work is well described by these texts.
Presenting Shakespeare 1'100 Posters from Around the World
by Mirko Ilic & Steven Heller, published by Princeton Architectural Press, New York NY (US) (October 2015); 320 pages, 19 x 29 cm, 1100 color illustrations, about 50 full page; hardcover; in english; ISBN 978-1616892920; USD 50, EUR 40
An amzing collection of 1'100 posters for 36 plays by William Shakespeare (1564-1616), from about 1820 to the present, from 55 countries, with a 4 page intruduction and 1 page summaries, quotes and comments for each play. A treat for both poster and theater fans, well designed.
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