WEB POSTER EXHIBITION - Lenica Poster Exhibition in Tehran

A text from the catalogue, by Alain Le Quernec, in french and english

Cyrk, 1976

Teatr Kopernikowi, Mikolaj Kopernik in Theater Museum-Exhibition, 1973

Racine Fedra, Drama by J. Racine, France, 1977

Kiss me Kate, Music by C. Porter, Oper der Stadt Koeln, 1977

Jana Lenicy, Posters Exhibition and Film Flashback in Student Club in Warsaw, 1976

brèves rencontres

ma première rencontre a avec Lenica, ou plutôt avec son oeuvre, c’était en 1962, j’avais 18 ans et j’ai vu” monsieur tête dans un festival de court métrages”. je savais que c’était polonais rien de plus mais j’étais sous le choc, ébloui par nouveauté......

La seconde fois ce fut en 1966 en voyant dans la revue, “la Pologne” son affiche wozzeck qui avait reçu la médaille d’or a la première biennale de l’affiche de varsovie, et cette fois je me suis rappelé son nom....

Ce fut l’une des rencontres déterminantes qui ont fait que quelques années plus tard, je sois parti en Pologne essayer de comprendre ce qu’était ce miracle graphique polonais.....

Plus tard encore, me battant pour une certaine vision du graphisme j’ai organisé des expositions d’affiches et bien sur, j’ai invité jan Lenica dans ma ville...

J’étais impressionné, ému, respectueux. Nous avons passé trois jours à parler de la Pologne de l'après guerre et de l’affiche de la prise de pouvoir des artistes dans la production d’affiches...

Depuis on se connaissait, on se parlait quand on se rencontrait, mais pour moi je me sentais tenu à respecter une certaine distance, comme une forme de respect même quand nous nous avons été ensemble au jury de la biennale de Lahti en Finlande......

Voila, jan Lenica est parti, il est passé je suis fier d’avoir imprimé sa première affiche française, alors qu’il habitait Paris depuis 17 ans.....

Quand nous étions au jury en Finlande, je m’étais mis, comme lui, à boire du Gin tonic, peut être parce que c’était la seule boisson dont je pouvais prononcer le nom en finlandais...... depuis chaque que je bois un gin tonic je pense a lui... Et je continuerai... A ta mémoire Jan........

Alain Le Quernec

Brief encounters

My first encounter with Jan Lenica, or more precisely with his work happened in 62, I was 18 and I saw in Paris “ mister head ” at a short films festival. At that time I only knew it was a polish film, but I was deeply impressed by the simplicity , the modernity of both drawings and story. later I discovered that lenica made it.

The second time, it was in 1966 when discovering in the magazine “La Pologne” his poster wozzeck that had received the golden medal at the first poster biennale in Warsaw, and that time I remembered his name...I was one of the important moments that make me decide some years later to go to Poland to try to understand this graphic miracle that happened in Poland......

Later on, fighting for a different graphic and poster design, I used to organize posters exhibitions in my town, and of course jan Lenica was one of the first artist I invited.

I was impressed, touched, and full of respect, we spent three full days together, and he spoke about Poland after the war, about posters of course and how the artist succeeded to take the power in the posters production, in a communist country.....

Since that time, we knew each other, we used to speak long when we met, but I always kept a distance in these relations, like a kind of respect, even when we where together members of the international jury in Lahti biennale in Finland......

And now Jan Lenica is gone.....What to say ? may be that I am proud to have printed his first French poster, although he had been living in France for 17 years....

When we were together in Finland, imitating him, I started to drink Gin and tonic, may be because it was the only drink I could pronounce the name in finish.....Since that time I have always been thinking to him every time I drank a Gin and tonic, and for sure I will continue.....

To your memory Jan......

Alain Le Quernec

Otello, Verdi, Opera by Giuseppe Verdi, 1968

Variation on theme by Purcel, Ballet Music by Beniamin Britten, 1964

Lucia di Lammermoor, Opera by Geatano Donizetti, 1971

Tannhaeuser, Opera by Richard Wagner, 1973

Faust, Opera by Charles Gounod, 1964

by Majid Abbasi
Brief encounters,
by Alain Le Quernec
Unforgettable Memories, by Krzysztof Dydo A long-distance friendship,
by Morteza Momayez
The Catalogue Pictures from the vernissage

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