WEB POSTER EXHIBITION - Tolerance - a traveling poster project

Text and pictures received from Mirko Ilic

Mirko Ilic in Ljubljana, Slovenia
Mirko Ilic, the well known Bosnian-born artist based in New York City, is running an exciting project on the subject of "Tolerance". It is a traveling exhibition that grows as new posters are added at each location.

Mirko writes

I don’t know if you’re aware but lately I’ve been organizing a traveling Tolerance poster show.
Which so far has been in Slovenia, Montenegro, Sarajevo, Bosnia, and at the end of this month in Serbia, in Holland, Spain, and the United Emirates.

Here is the announcement of the show in Belgrade, Serbia

Below you can read a bit more about the concept of the show and how it was displayed so far.

The show features some work by main designers around the world. With each country the show travels to, one of the most prominent designer from that country is adding a poster on the same subject but as the show continues designers are contributing more work.

The show costs nothing since I send electronic files and they are printed out at the size that is good for available displays. The only requirement is that if it’s possible put some posters — if not all of them on the street/outside so that the citizens and by-passers can see them.

Here are some entries from my blog about the poster show:
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Cetinje, Montenegro
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

These are the posters in the show sofar:

Hamza Abdelal - Jordan

Reza Abedini - Iran

Tarek Atrissi - Lebanon

Peter Bankov - Russia

Michel Bouvet - France

Sue Coe - USA/UK

Srdja Dragovic - Montenegro

Manuel Estrada - Spain

Milton Glaser - USA

Anur Hadziomerspahic, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Jianping He - China

Fons Hickmann - Germany

Anette Lenz - France

Saki Mafundikwa - Zimbabwe

Alejandro Magallanes - Mexico

Chaz Maviyanne-Davies - Zimbabwe

Istvan Orosz - Hungary

Paula Scher - USA

Yuko Shimizu - Japan

Sarp Sozdinler - Turkey

Slavimir Stojanovic - Serbia

Felipe Taborda - Brazil

David Tartakover - Isreal

Niklaus Troxler - Switzerland

Xiao Yong - China

Katarzyna Zapart - Poland
Mirko Ilic sent 27 posters, I left out the one from Studio New Collectivism, Slovenia, obviously made to test the tolerance of the spectator, showing a horribly disfigured face of a man. I feel under no obligation to show show beheadings, killing of children, bloodbaths and the like on Posterpage.

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