Rene Wanner's Poster Page

News: Slawomir Iwanski poster exhibition in Warsaw
received from Piotr Dabrowski

Exhibition poster by Slawomir Iwanski

You are cordially invited to join the opening of the exhibition

Slawomir Iwanski posters

at 7 p.m. on Thursday , 21th October 2010

It is to take place in Relaks Cafe
48, Pulawska Street, entrance from 8, Dabrowskiego Street, Warsaw

The artist will be present at the opening.

The exhibition is open daily, closes on 21st of November, 2010.

For the on-line version of the exhibition please see our website from 24th of October 2010.

23 Festiwal Szkol Teatralnych, 2005

Hommage a John Lennon, 1998

De Stijl meble, 1997

1893-1952 Wladyslaw Strzeminski - 100 Anniversary of Birthday, 1993

All posters are from The Art of Poster - Piotr Dabrowski Collection

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