Rene Wanner's Poster Page

News: Shigeo Fukuda exhibition during the Savignac Festival in Trouville (FR)
August 20, 2008, received from Chantal Ollivier

Posters by Shigeo Fukuda


The eternally youthful Shigeo Fukuda is a mischievous illusionist, a nimble and very witty prankster, whose eloquence tickles our intelligence and imagination. His flair and accurate line-work make him a consummate graphic artist. However he should not be reduced to that alone. He's a polymorphic artist, ringing the changes as a draughtsman, sculptor, scenic artist in public space, a designer of everyday objects subtly subverted to improbability. He is equally at ease in 2D as he is in 3D. This inveterate lover of images is a master hand at optical illusions, distortions, impossible situations, new-found realities… for with Fukuda, one image can hide another.

When Fukuda draws a peace poster, what remains engraved on our mind is the missile, on the point re-entry into the cannon barrel instead of being violently ejected from it. The culminating point of action in "Victory" highlights the catastrophe's irony. Comic effect is used to make tragedy even more poignant in ” Sense is nonsense.”

Florence Robert, curator of the exhibition, [extract from catalogue.]

In terms of my graphic design, I feel visual communication is the most important element. When I face an audience, how do I communicate my message ? Since they are from different countries, with various languages and customs, how do I make them understand my ideas as the key issue for graphic design ? Also, since people’s emotions are always changing, it takes a lot of time before I can work out how to catch their imagination. Even if the message is hard to grasp, I try to express the information in an attractive, humorous way with positive thoughts. Modern science lets us see a tiny cell or the stars in the vast universe. However, it seems that despite the amount of scientific progress, some people are still « short-sighted » ; some people can’t even see news two metres away without having to use a pair of glasses. This contrast between social progress and a decline in the ability to « see » is what we really need to study. I think that leading a happy life and filling your days with laughter should be the cultural theme of the 21st century.

Born in Tokyo in 1932, Fukuda graduated from the Design Department National University of Fine Arts and Music in Tokyo, in 1956. An A.G.I. (Alliance Graphique Internationale) and R.D.I. (Royal Designer for Industry) member. Lives and works in Tokyo. He is one of the leading Japanese graphic artists, whose work brings together Japanese cultural traditions and eclecticism - a blend that is critically acclaimed in the West. His drawings, posters, sculptures and (extra)ordinary objects use optical illusion and deftly assail our unbelieving eyes with a culture shock. His work, which has attracted many awards, has been exhibited right round the world. The town of Trouville-sur-Mer is hosting a solo exhibition of his work as part of the 2008 Journees Savignac, sixteen years after his first, one-man show in France at the Quimper Contemporary Art Centre in 1992.

Florence Robert is an art historian specialised in graphic design history. From time to time, she is a contributor to magazines, catalogues and regularly organises lectures, workshops, contemporary exhibitions posters. After studying at the Ecole du Louvre, she became an expert in vintage posters and participates at the creation of the International Chaumont Poster Festival. She teaches history and actuality of graphic design at the ESAD Amiens, school of art and design, history of images at the ECV Paris, school of visual communication. She is directing the new design graphic and media design departement at the ESAV Marrakech, school of visuals arts, Maroco. For the Journees Savignac, she organised Tribu(t) Savignac in 2003, Bal des affiches (1946-2006) : 60 american’s and european’s posters in 2006 and this year : Shigeo Fukuda : one image can hide another.


24 octobre – 30 novembre 2008
Mairie de Trouville-sur-Mer
Vendredi 24 octobre : « une heure avec Shigeo Fukuda », debat anime par Florence Robert (fin de journee, horaire à preciser)
Samedi 25 octobre : vernissage en presence de l’artiste (matinee, horaire à preciser)

Exposition realisee dans le cadre des Journees Savignac 2008 (24, 25, 26 octobre) en hommage au celèbre affichiste decede en 2008. Shigeo Fukuda n’a jamais cache son admiration pour Raymond Savignac, il etait tout naturel que la manifestation lui consacre une exposition. Une cinquantaine d’affiches sera exposee ainsi que des magazines, des ouvrages, des catalogues presentant son oeuvre. Les Journees Savignac ont choisi d’inviter le designer japonais Shigeo Fukuda et d’inscrire l’evenement dans le cadre de la commemoration des 150 ans de l’amitie franco-japonaise. Il s’agit de l’anniversaire du traite de paix, d’amitie et de commerce signe le 9 octobre 1958. Ce traite fut permis par l’ouverture du Japon et son desir de modernisation. Du cote français, le traite permit une decouverte des arts japonais en France. Nous celebrons donc cette annee les relations culturelles profondes qui existent entre le Japon et la France : sport, gastronomie, litterature, cinema, peinture, arts graphiques…

L’exposition est ouverte au public du 25 octobre au 30 novembre
Mardi de 14h à 17h
Mercredi au dimanche de 10h à 12h et de 14h à 17h
Ferme lundi et mardi matin
Entree libre et gratuite

Un livre est publie aux editions Michel Lagarde Paris/collection Design Graphique. Distribue par le Comptoir des Independants, il sera disponible en librairie et à l’office de Tourisme de Trouville-sur-Mer à partir d’octobre 2008 (8 euros)
Trouville-sur-mer est à 1h52 en train direct au depart de Paris St-Lazare

Renseignements concernant les manifestations pendant les Journees Savignac :
Office de Tourisme de Trouville 34, boulevard Fernand-Moureaux 14360 Trouville-sur-Mer Contact : Chantal Ollivier, directrice Tel : +33 (0)2 31 14 60 70 Email : Web :

Renseignements concernant l’exposition Shigeo Fukuda :
Contact : Florence Robert, commissaire de l’exposition : Email : / mobile : +33 (0)6 60 24 35 45

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