Rene Wanner's Poster Page

News: Morteza Momayez, Iranian Graphic Designer, 1936 - 2005
November 26, 2005, from Hassan Karimzadeh, Amirali Ghasemi, Majid Abbasi

Photo Rene Wanner With great sadness I pass on the news that our friend Morteza Momayez, Iranian Graphic Design Master, died last night, November 25, 2005 at 23:30 Friday Tehran time in a hospital, after a long illness.

Iranian Student News Agency (in iranian)
Haditoons (in iranian)
Ahn Sang-Soo
Iran News, obituary, burial
8. Tehran International Poster Biennial 2004

Obituary from the Iranian Graphic Designers Society
Farewell to great master
Morteza Momayez , August 26, 1936 Tehran - November 25, 2005 Tehran

Morteza Momayez died on November 25, Friday night at 23:30 in Tehran in Aban hospital, leaving Iran's art and culture with a great loss. Morteza Momayez dedicated his fruitful life to almost all categories of Iranian contemporary visual arts especially graphic design and he was so influential in them. Iranian contemporary graphic design could develop because of his uninterrupted effort and management therefore, it would be right to call him "The Father of Iranian Graphic Design".

He graduated in painting from The Faculty of Fine Arts of University of Tehran and he himself introduced graphic design in the same faculty, teaching there since 1968 as well as other reputable faculties. He was one of the founders of Iranian Graphic Design Society (IGDS), a member of Alliance Graphique Internationale (AGI), president of Tehran International Poster Biennial, Editor-in-chief of "Neshan", Iranian graphic design magazine and was in charge of many cultural institutes, exhibitions and graphic design publications, building a good relationship between graphic design in Iran and in the world. The list of his artistic and cultural activities easily fills 10 pages which can be found in the introduction of his book "Signs", making his place of stand out of reach.

Morteza Momayez was one of the most eminent artistic and cultural figures of our time in Iran. Concerning inclusiveness, effectiveness, management and commitment; he was a perfect artist and a unique teacher. Although he is forever missed in the field of Iranian graphic design, the way which he began with great effort, fondness and perseverance will be followed by his numerous students and colleagues.

Obituary from Guy Schockaert
Morteza Momayez (26 août 1936 ­ 25 novembre 2005)

Né à Téhéran, dans une famille de tradition artistique, diplômé de la Faculté des Beaux-Arts de Téhéran, il a poursuivi sa formation à l'École Nationale des Arts Décoratifs de Paris de 1964 à 1968. De retour en Iran, il a développé une activité débordante dans de multiples domaines, affiches, livres, édition et décor de théâtre. En 1975, il devient le premier iranien membre de l'AGI (Alliance graphique internationale). Nombre d'institutions et de villes lui doivent leur logo, généralement développé à partir de la typographie perse. Figure incontournable du graphisme iranien, et mondiale, professeur vénéré, il a encouragé l'émergence des nouvelles tendances, des nouveaux talents qui reconnaissent tous son rôle déterminant.

Alain Le Quernec écrivait pour l'exposition «un cri persan»:
" Oui, il se passe quelque chose dans le graphisme en Iran. Oui il y a des illuminés qui se battent pour un design graphique de qualité, qui s'organisent, se structurent, demandent de l'argent à l'Etat pour organiser des expositions, des biennales, des catalogues de design graphiques. Des graphistes forts de leur particularisme culturel, forts de leurs traditions d'images, de calligraphie et de typographie. Des graphistes ouverts à toutes les technologies contemporaines, avertis des expériences actuelles et qui veulent inscrire leur travail dans la modernité. Bref, des utopistes, des gens qui y croient, des gens qui le font, des gens qui développent une dynamique avec force, avec foi, avec succès. Ils revendiquent une reconnaissance de leur travail sur la scène internationale. "

Pour que naisse un mouvement, il faut des circonstances, mais il faut aussi et avant tout des personnes, Morteza était de ceux là.

From Nazanin Tamaddon

Poster by Nazanin Tamaddon

From Amirali Ghasemi
Morteza Momayez will be buried in his family cemetery in Kordan village near the city of Karaj. We will gather at Iranian Artists Forum in Tehran tomorrow, November 28, 9 AM to say our farewells to him and accompany his body to where he would lie to rest. The Iranian Artists Forum named its gallery as "Morteza Momayez Gallery" in his honor since 2004. Photos

From Ahn Sang-Soo





From Farhad Fozouni

Poster by Farhad Fozouni
Requiem for Momayez
The yellow part is Morteza Momayez's artist sign

From Shin Matsunaga

From Linda Fu
My deepest condolence goes to the family, colleagues and students of Mr Morteza Momayez.

It is a sad loss to all of us. And yet it may be comforting to know that for his friends, Momayez¹s design and intellectual legacy, his laughter and his warm friendship are forever with us...

"We never lose the ones we love for, even though they¹re gone, within the hearts of those who care, their memory lingers on."

In mourning,
Linda Fu

From Majid Abbasi
Yesterday, we went to countryside of Tehran to burry Morteza. I accompanied his body in ambulance from Tehran to Kordan for funeral ceremony and burial. It was really a hard time that I spent with him alone in the ambulance for about one hour and half. I will never forget him. One photo of Morteza with a smile was in front of me during the journey to Kordan so he was smiling all that way to his place of burial. Many people were gathering for his funeral ceremony in Tehran and Kordan. It was really sad to farewell. The photo shows the virgin nature of Baghban Kala, the place which Morteza rests in forever.

From Mimmo Castellano / Social Designe Zine

From Alex Jordan
je le savais malade, Morteza, but I allways tought, he would staerker sein als die Krankheit.
Im Himmel wait a lot of pleasure pour Morteza, peut-etre meme un paradis d'images.
Liebe Iraner(innen), ihr muesst jetzt ohne ihn auskommen. Courage, amities
Alex Jordan

From Edik Boghosian

Inspired by his poster for his exhibition in 1976
Saman Gallery, Tehran

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