Rene Wanner's Poster Page

News: Exhibition of Franz Scholz posters in Berlin
August 4, 2004, received from Franz Scholz

Franz Scholz, a former student of Niklaus Troxler in Stuttgart, won the Student Gold Medal at the Warsaw Biennial 2004, and also had his poster accepted among the 100 Best Posters from Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

He has an exhibition with 18 posters, from July 7 till September 3, 2004 at the Studio Sued in Berlin (DE).

  poster by Franz Scholz
What about AIDS?, a call for more AIDS education
poster by Franz Scholz
Geh auch Du zur ASTAWAHL, a call to participate in elections for the student council.

poster by Franz Scholz
Poster for a talk on young swiss graphic design connected with the book "Benzin"
poster by Franz Scholz
The ocean starts here, ecology poster for a fictitious beach patrol web site
poster by Franz Scholz
The better you live the more oil you use

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