Rene Wanner's Poster Page

POSTER COMPETITIONS - Call for entries

International poster contest "To Be Human", Aarhus (DK) 2012

Received from Peder Stougard

The Danish Poster Museum invites to an open international poster contest: To Be Human

Deadline for submission of posters to the contest is 1 April 2012

Poster artists from all over the world, professional artists as well as commercial and advertising artists, students at schools of art and design etc. are invited to create new original posters with the theme “To Be Human”. The Danish Poster Museum has chosen this theme to put focus on poster art in an open world with constant challenges of human rights, nature and environment as well as wars, refugees and universal humanity.

The Aarhus International Poster Show 2012 opens August 17 2012 in the exhibition buildings in Den Gamle By – "The Old Town" in Aarhus, Denmark.

The posters will be selected by a jury of international poster artists
Uwe Loesch, graphic designer AGI, Germany
Michel Bouvet, graphic designer AGI, France
Kari Piippo, graphic designer, AGI Finland
Gitte Kath, graphic designer Denmark
Finn Nygaard, graphic designer AGI, Denmark
Peder Stougaard, Director of The Danish Poster Museum

Prizes awarded for the invited exhibition
1st prize receives 3000 Euro
2nd prize receives 2000 Euro
3rd prize receives 1000 Euro

More information on

Aarhus International Poster Show 2012

Dansk Plakatmuseum
Aaby Bibliotek
Ludvig Feilbergsvej 7
8230 Aabyhøj

Secretariat +45 7026 0809

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