received 2009.07.20 from Yu Ming-Lung. Please see the original web site
for more information and downloadable application forms.
In parallel, another competition Taiwan International CI Design Award 2009 is held. Please see for information.
Department of Commercial Affairs, MOEA began implementing the "Commercial Design
Improvement" since 2004. The purpose of holding "Taiwan International Poster Design Award
2009" is to promote Taiwan"s commercial design and to provide opportunities for interchange
with interrnational desingers. Outstanding works of commercial value and international vision
will be selected to raise the visibility of Taiwan's design potential, and internationalize Taiwan's
design industry.
Guide by Ministry of Economic Afairs
Responsed by Department of Commercial Afairs, MOEA
Implemented by
China Productivity Center (CPC)
The Graphic Design Association of the Republic of China (GDA-Taiwan)
Taiwan Graphic Design Association (TGDA)
Taiwan Poster Design Association (TPDA)
Kaohsiung Creators Association (KCA)
Collaboration with International Associations
International Council of Graphic Design Associations(ICOGRADA)
The competition is open to designers from all regions and countries.
Design Categories
All entries must be created after June, 2007.
A. Special Theme: Harmonious human/nature relationship (Type A)
B.Open Category: commercial (Type B)
Judging Criteria Creativity, integrity of composition, and technical rigor.
Submission deadline 31 Aug, 2009
Judging Panel
The judging committee consists of prominent domestic and foreign professionals selected by
the organizer. Provisional list of panelists:
- Tsung-Hung Su, Taiwan, Art Director of Lemon Yellow Design Company, professor of the
Department of Fine Arts, Chinese Culture University.
- Taddy Ho, Taiwan, Director of Operating Committee, BBDO Taiwan Advertising Co.,
Ltd, Associate professor of the Department of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Normal
- Freeman Lau, Hong Kong, vice chairman of the Board of Directors of the Hong Kong Design
Centre, Partner of Kan & Lau Design Consultants, received the 2008 Ten Outstanding Young
Persons Award.
- Fons Hickmann, Germany, the co-founder of Fons Hickmann m23, frequent winner of
international design awards for years.
- Martin Woodtli, Switzerland, lecturer in the Academy of Art in Bern and the Academy of Art
and Design in Lucerne. Winner of the "Swiss Design Award".
A. Grand Prize (1 person): US 5,000
Gold Medal (2 persons): US 2,000
Silver medal (2 persons): US 1,000
Bronze Medal: (2 persons): US 500
Judges special award (each judge may select one person, 5 in total): Medal
B.All winning entries will be awarded with a medal and a certifcate of honor. Also, exhibitions
will be held and publications will be edited as promotional means.
Prize-winning works
A. Award winning entries will be included in the “Taiwan International Graphic Design Award
Competition” special publication
B. Award winning entries will be featured on the “Commercial Design Improvement Project”
website and related promotional publications.
C. Award winning entries will be exhibited in events related to this project.
Work entry standards
Mailing Spec: Must be larger than 36.4cm x 51.5cm, smaller than 180cm x 120cm in size. Please
also provide a CD containing the image file, resolution must be over 300dpi(PC or Mac files in
TIF or EPS format are acceptable).
1. Special Theme: Work may be submitted as a color print-out with a CD attached.
2. Open Category: Work must be submitted in print(not including digital print-out)with a CD
Language used
Primarily English, secondarily Chinese. Each work must be accompanied by a title, explanation,
and name of the designer and company in English.
Participation Terms
A. Cash rewards are granted in accordance with the regulations of the host country; tax shall be
withheld in accordance with ROC tax law (20 % for foreigner,).
B. The list of award-winners shall reflect the judges' final decision. The implementing
organization shall notify all winners within 15 days.
C. Please provide design works meeting the given specifcations. Participants are also required
to read the judging rules carefully and must abide by all requirements of the judging rules and
D. Participation in this activity is free of charge; there is no fee for inclusion of works in the
winner's exhibition and the content publication(funding is provided by the organizer. )
E. All submitted works must have an entry label written in English for the convenience of foreign
members of the Judge Panel. Participants must fll out an Authorization Letter declaring that
their works do not infringe upon other parties' intellectual property rights.
F. The organizer has the right to use the submitted works in any kind of publicity, touring
exhibition, publication, or commissioned publication, etc, without additional payments;
however, this use shall not interfere with other commercial uses and applications.
G. Design works of members of the judge panel or works that belongs to their respective
companies are suggested to not take part of this contest.
H. If the following is found, eligibility of the entry will be cancelled, other legal issues
shall be charged on the designer:
1. The work have been completed before June, 2007.
2. The work plagiarizes another person"s work.
I. No entries will be returned. Award winners will be contacted by the organizer to
provide files and information for exhibition and publication purposes. To comply with
international competition regulations, necessary files and actual works might also be
Means of Submission
A. Online registration:Please send personal information, information of the entry and upload
the image file.
B. Registration in Writing: Please submit with the entry the filled-out registration form,
authorization letter and the entry description tag.
C. By mail: Entries should be postmarked by 31, Aug, 2009. For identification reasons, please
attach the entry number on the package and all forms.
D. Contact
China Productivity Center “Taiwan International Poster Design Award” organizing team.
Tel:886 -2-2698-2989 ext 2073, 2401 Fax:886-2-2698-9335,
Contact person: Ms. Zhu, Ms. Hsiao
E. Please ship all work materials free of any delivery charges and with duty paid so that they
reach us by Aug 31, 2009 at the latest
Shipping address: Taiwan International Poster Design Award / 6F-2, No. 189, Sinyi Rd., Sec. 4,
Taipei, Taiwan 106