Toronto Society of Architects greendesign poster competition 2009
Please see the official web site for more information.
TSA Poster Competition
The TSA organizes and hosts an annual poster competition exploring a theme relating to architecture and design. Each year the TSA partners with a different organization to promote the selected theme; partners in past years included the City of Toronto to create a poster for the inauguration of fAd, the DIAC to emphasize ‘design matters’, Heritage Toronto for the promotion of modern and historic building heritage. The aim of the competition is to raise awareness and to celebrate design. It is open to everyone and is promoted through our sister organizations. The jury is comprised of design professionals from various disciplines and includes a member of the partnering organization. The competition runs parallel to the Festival of Architecture and Design (fAd) and is launched in Spring with winners announced in May at the Toronto the Good Party. Cash prizes are awarded to those entries selected for first, second, and third place. Competition finalists are included in an exhibit which travels to various venues throughout the city. 2009 Poster Competition - greendesign The Toronto Society of Architects (TSA), in association with the Canada Green Building Council - Greater Toronto Chapter (CaGBC-GT), and the Design Industry Advisory Committee (DIAC), invite submissions for our fourth annual poster design competition to promote and raise awareness around green buildings and sustainable design. Sustainable design spans an incredible range. From the design of small objects for everyday use, through to the design of buildings, neighbourhoods, cities, and natural environments; the impact of sustainable design can affect all members of society. This competition is based on the idea that sustainable design is an integrated process that is fundamentally about improving the quality of life, maintaining a unique sense of place, supporting the cultural and economic vitality of our communities, and improving the health and sustainability of the environments we inhabit. The purpose of the competition is to produce an image that draws attention to the value of green design, and that illustrates how design can enhance economic, social, and ecological sustainability. For more information about this year's competition, please consult the competition brief or contact Registration Deadline May 1, 2009 Submission Deadline May 11, 2009 |