Rene Wanner's Poster Page

POSTER COMPETITIONS - Call for entries

International Poster Competition
Graphisme dans la rue 2008 - 16ème édition

Received from Gilles Dupuis. Please see for more details.

Message received from Gilles Dupuy 2008.03.10 :
Deadline extended to March 30, 2008

Vous pouvez envoyez vos affiches jusqu'au 30 mars inclus. Nous avons rallongé le délai car beaucoup de participants nous ont envoyé des fichiers numériques uniquement. Pour participer, vous devez impérativement envoyer l'affiche imprimée.

The entries must be sent until the 30th march include. The poster must be on paper.


For the past 15 years, the annual event known as "Graphisme dans la rue" ("Graphics in the Streets") has been inviting graphic artists to create large-format posters addressing the theme of "the city", then posting the works on billboards throughout the town of Fontenay-sous-Bois. For 20 years, the city of Fontenay-sous-Bois has welcomed original graphic artists’ posters, providing commissions and a creative outlet for artists/designers. For this 2nd edition of the poster competition, international this year, we are calling for submissions from all professional graphic artists. Fontenay proposes using the poster as a means of reflection on the theme of "the city", raising questions as concerned citizens, and emphasizing universal values. Previously commissioned or previously published works cannot be submitted - only new and original author’s works are eligible. We will soon be celebrating the 40th anniversary of May ’68, an era when images were seeking to express every possible utopian dream, imagining the city as "the art of living together".

The posters must be format 60 cm x 80 cm, horizontal (or "Italian").
They must be digital or other prints (silkscreen, lithography, offset...), in color or
black and white on paper.
The text must be in the language of the graphic designer’s country (a French translation
of the text must accompany your work). We suggest you also send a written
commentary to explain your.
The posters can be the work of a single artist or a group.
Entry deadline : Entries must be sent before the 10th March 2008.
Send a computer file of the image (resolution 300 dpi, format 24 x 32) along with
the entry form stating your mailing address, email address and phone number.
Shipping costs must be paid by the artist.
Posters not selected will be available for pick-up by the artists at our premises
until the end of June.
Selected posters remain the property of the City of Fontenay-sous-Bois.
The organizers reserve the right to use any information provided by the artist and
well as the right (free of charge, but non-exclusive) to photographically reproduce
the posters for the purpose of promoting the event and for any work or catalogue
published for the occasion and within the framework of the event.
The author agrees to give Fontenay-en-Scènes (association - organizers of
Graphisme dans la rue) for free of charge the non-exclusive right to reproduce the
posters and artist/author’s ork, in the media, as well as over the internet, throughout
the period relating to the event.
The author is free to reproduce the poster of which he/she is the author in any
manner or material.
The organizers reserve the right to cancel the competition should it be necessary
due to circumstances outside their control.

An initial selection for the show will be made in June 2008.
All selected images will be shown on-line at the website

A second selection by a jury composed of professional graphic designers will
award 3 equal prizes : the winners will have their images edited in silkscreen, format
120 cm x 160 cm and posted on billboards throughout the city of Fontenaysous-
Bois. Each winner will receive the sum of 1500 euros and 20 examples of their
silkscreened image.
You will find a retrospective of Graphisme dans la rue on the website
The event Graphisme dans la rue is organized by Fontenay-en-Scènes and receives
funding from the DRAC Ile-de-France

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