Rene Wanner's Poster Page
POSTER COMPETITIONS - Call for entries
Swiss poster of the year
Deadline: 30. November 2002
After a break of two years, the 60 year old traditional selection of the best swiss posters is being revived in a slightly modified form:
- Posters are now also accepted from foreign clients, designers and printers, as long as they were displayed publicly in Switzerland in the previous year.
- The new categories are: Commercial posters (single), Commercial posters (series), Cultural posters, Gesellschaftspolitische Plakate (Public services)
- Posters can now be submitted in electronic form
O: Bundesamt fuer Kultur, Eidgen. Dept. des Innern, and Allgemeine Plakatgesellschaft
A: APG Allgemeine Plakatgesellschaft, Ruth Bertschi, Bahnhoeheweg 82, CH-3018 Bern, Switzerland
I:More information, application forms and regulations at
The jury members were announced on December 18, 2002:
- Lorette Coen, Chefredaktorin für den Bereich Kultur bei der
Tageszeitung "Le Temps", Präsidentin der Eidgenössischen Designkommission,
Lausanne, als Praesidentin der Jury
- Hans Tanner, Creative Consulting, Zürich
- Albin Uldry, Serigraph, Hinterkappelen
- Georges Abou Jaoude, Professor, Laboratoire d'informatique et
de Visualisation, EPFL Lausanne
- Trix Wetter, Grafikerin, Zürich
- Aude Lehmann, Grafikerin, Zürich
- Michel Ritter, Leiter des Centre Culturel Suisse in Paris
- Richard Kuehn, Professor für Marketing und Unternehmensführung
an der Universität Bern
- Othmar Casutt, APG, Bern
more competitions
page created on October 26, 2002, last revised on December 18, 2002 / this section is part of Rene Wanner's Poster Page